use case: equality and diversity insights

How can I get quick insights into my content's diversification status?

The challenge

Lack of inclusion

Studies indicate that there still is a big gap between male and female characters across media content. For decades, nearly three-quarters of speaking parts in different TV shows have been performed by men. But how can you be ahead of the numbers and produce much more inclusive content?

DeepVA Deep Media Analyzer equality and diversity analysis

the solution

Deep Media Analyzer

With the Deep Media Analyzer, measuring diversity in content has never been easier. Our feature displays the number of women and men in your current content, how often they are seen, and how their share of speech is distributed. Furthermore, our AI uses machine learning to estimate the age of the displayed individuals. The system can be used on-premise or in the cloud. If it is to be part of a workflow, integration is required. MAM systems such as Vidispine come with a ready-to-use integration, but via our RESTful API it can be easily integrated in any other system.

Using the diversity reports you get after the analysis, you can keep track of your current diversity status to create more diverse content in the future.

What results can be obtained?

Automated diversity analysis of large volume of video content

Quantitative recording of diversity as proof and control mechanism

Standardized reporting with automated data export

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faster data acquisition

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faster labelling

Equality and diversity insights

Function overview

Diversity analysis

Offers the possibility to determine the percentage of gender and age occurrence in images or videos. Make sure your content has a desired ratio of male to female and age ranges.

Fabian Linder

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DeepVA Diversity Analysis E-book

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Diversity for media

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