Deepva diversity analysis
Diversity Analysis
function description
Diversity assessment
Do you want to increase diversity and inclusion in your content creation, or find out how diverse your content already is? With Diversity Analysis, you can ensure that your content meets today’s diversity standards. This module allows you to monitor all your content and gain key insights through reports.
Especially in the face of increasing social change, it is always a question of equal opportunities and social cohesion. The diversity analysis focuses not only on screen time, i.e., time spent in front of the camera, but also on the distribution of speaking time between genders and age groups.
Transforming data into value
Analyze speech and screen time
Gender and age group analysis
Automated diversity reports
use cases
Diversity Analysis use cases
Equality and diversity insights
How can I get quick insights into my content’s diversity and equaltiy status?
how it works
How does Face Recognition work?
Face Recognition analyzes faces with respect to a number of different vectors and compares them with the underlying database. The database may consist of either pre-trained personalities, your own training data, or a combination of the two.