use case: SDR to HDR conversion
How can I turn SDR footage from the archive into HDR footage?
the challenge
SDR to HDR conversion
Still many archives contain SDR material. With the new technical possibilities, the quality of the playout suffers: In media libraries and on TV, SDR looks significantly worse than HDR. Is there a way to convert SDR material into HDR material with DeepVA?

the solution
Deep Generator
With DeepVA’s Deep Generator, SDR material can be automatically converted into HDR material at very low cost. Using the AI’s trained knowledge, every pixel in the image is analyzed and re-evaluated in terms of brightness and color saturation, allowing local color contrasts that were not recorded to be created as close to reality as possible. The widecolor gamut images required for modern playout paths can thus be created from classic SDR material.
The system can be used on-premise or in the cloud. If it is to be part of a workflow, integration is required. Via our RESTful API, it can be easily integrated in any existing system or workflow. Data protection requirements usually play a major role in this decision and should be considered.
What results can be obtained?
Material that is available in SDR can be converted to HDR material in a cost-effective automated manner
Archival footage can be seamlessly stitched together with higher quality modern footage
Get the most out of your old SDR footage
faster data acquisition
faster labelling
SDR to HDR conversion
Function overview

SDR to HDR conversion
Convert your old Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) files into a better High Dynamic Range (HDR) video format

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